Why Choose Pivot HR

PivotHR seeks to restore workplace wellbeing

by creating a blueprint where your humans have the opportunity to achieve health and purpose in the work environment and beyond

PivotHR helps companies rewrite outdated corporate wellness models

by redistributing the cost of company-sponsored health benefits towards sustainable and intentional well-being solutions for your humans

PivotHR assists in reintegrating the Law of Return (ROI)

by increasing retention, engagement and productivity, and decreasing medical utilization and associated cost (sick days) and lowering turnover  

If we want to create sustainable healthy working environments we must begin with our people  – leadership need to be intentional in implementing accessible well-being practices that significantly improve workplace ecosystems.

Creating ecosystems where our Humans thrive

At Pivot HR, we partner with companies that are committed to supporting their employees and ensure they  feel fulfilled both inside and outside their work lives

PivotHR pivots human resources entirely by assisting businesses like yours integrate powerful wellness programs that elevate your company’s vitality, communication, productivity and retention. Learn More


($322) Billions of turnover and lost productivity cost globally due to employee burnout
(75%) Percent of medical costs accrued mostly due to preventable conditions
(47) Billion dollars is spent in unplanned absences from work each year due to poor mental health
Less than (40%) of Employees strongly believe their organization cares about their wellbeing.

Request a consultation

Your partner in empowering your human’s and your Company’s wellbeing