
Meet Your Wellness Partner

Restore Well-Being to Your Workplace

Create greater health and purpose in the work environment and beyond.

Rewrite Outdated Corporate Wellness Models

Redistribute company-sponsored health benefits towards sustainable well-being.

Improve Your Company's Return on Investment (ROI)

Boost employee retention, productivity, and reduce medical utilization.

Restore Well-Being to Your Workplace

Create greater health and purpose in the work environment and beyond.

Rewrite Outdated Corporate Wellness Models

Redistribute company-sponsored health benefits towards sustainable well-being.

Improve Your Company's Return on Investment (ROI)

Boost employee retention, productivity, and reduce medical utilization.

To create sustainable healthy working environments, we must begin with our people. When leadership is intentional in implementing accessible well-being practices, we see a significant improvement in workplace ecosystems.


About Us

We believe in cultivating thriving ecosystems that enhance the mental, physical, social, and emotional well-being of humans within the workplace.

When you partner with PivotHR, we begin by conducting an anonymous wellness audit for each employee and analyzing company wellness reports.

We then distill these findings into tailored solutions designed specifically for your workforce ecosystem. We curate strategies to optimize your employee’s well-being revolutionizing the outdated corporate wellness model.

Metrics We Improve for Our Clients

$322 billion is lost on turnover and productivity globally due to employee burnout.
75% percent of medical costs are accrued mostly due to preventable conditions.
$47 billion is spent on unplanned absences from work each year due to poor mental health.
Less than 40% of employees strongly believe their organization cares about their well-being.

What We Do

Implement wellness education, practices, events, and executive retreats focusing on wellness therapies and innovative methods with expert facilitators and educators – Empowering humans with the knowledge and tools needed to re-engineer their well-being, fostering a healthier, more productive workforce.


“We need to take our health back by creating our own customized wellness blueprint. Meeting ourselves where we’re at in this very moment, and begining our journey from this place – Our collective wellbeing is struggling. As a society, we must go beyond the outdated healthcare models we offer in corporate spaces today. We must take action towards rewriting and transcending the pharmaceutical culture – We need to take our health back”

Why Pivot with Us

Because our charge is to propel humans forward and make a transformative impact on overall corporate well-being. Considering the staggering toll of workplace stress, estimated at around $300 billion annually in the US economy, encompasses various costs such as absenteeism, quiet quitting, decreased productivity, and accidents, all of which contribute to the annual healthcare costs of $190 billion.

Choosing PivotHR means opting for Company tailored Wellness Blueprints that create vibrant and sustainable ecosystems within companies. Our customized wellness plans are not just about restoring harmony in the workplace; they’re about driving tangible results. We employ a strategic approach that includes impactful vitality events, exclusive executive retreats, and expert wellness educators. By partnering with us, your HR team gains access to the tools and support needed to cultivate a thriving ecosystem, leading to heightened productivity, reduced turnover rates, and lower insurance costs.

Our clients – people are diverse, but one thing unites all:
an active, intentional, and awakened life.

Get In Touch

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